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Pominovec - Romanesque church

Traveling along the road between Nemšová and Pruský, behind the village of Slávnica on the right side, the silhouette of a small church emerges, nestled among the trees. In winter, the growth is without leaves, so the building is not hidden in the greenery and is more visible than in summer. We turn onto a dirt road, cross the railway line and head towards a witness of ancient history.

The slim building has unmistakable Romanesque features , its remote location probably protected it from later major reconstructions. " The first written mention of the village of Pominovce comes from the reign of the Hungarian king Ondrej II. from 1229. The record comes from Bishop Jakub of Nitra, who noted that near Trenčín there is a "villa Pomen vocata", i.e. a village called Pomen, " the historian of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín, Lukáš Trnkóci, introduced us to the history. At that time, the church already existed, so it probably dates from an earlier period than the written source indicates. In the following years, mentions of the village disappear, they partially appear in the 15th century, then only in the 19th century. At that time, there were only three houses in which 32 inhabitants lived. " We don't know when exactly the village disappeared, or for what reason. There are several theories, the most likely are those that speak of its demise after a great flood on Váha, or its destruction during wartime attacks or invasions of enemy troops on Považie, Trnkóci thinks.

According to legend, only a few families were saved after the great flood and they had seven sheep. They established a village higher up, beyond the reach of the raging waves of Libra. Since they had "seven" sheep, they called it Sedmerovec.

Currently, only two monuments have been preserved here. The first is a Roman Catholic Romanesque church probably dating from the 12th century, dedicated to St. John the Baptist. The second is the nearby cemetery. The church was founded as the so-called proprietary or even noble or lordly. The church was not behind its birth, but the local landowner built it with his own money. The location where it was built is interesting. " Churches in the Middle Ages were built on high ground, for defense 8 history they were fenced off. We don't have evidence of that in Pominovci ," said the young historian.

" The decoration was simpler, but during research in 2010, frescoes of Jesus Christ and the apostles were found. The building can be divided into three main parts - the entrance (empora), which is connected to the tower, which is a rare architectural find in this area. The second part consists of the nave of the church, closed by the apse. In the church there is a baroque altar from the 18th century, dedicated to the patron of the church, John the Baptist. The Romanesque church above the village of Dražovce is similar to Pominovce in terms of architecture and the period of its creation, " Lukáš Trnkóci finished his speech.

"The church does not have an electrical connection, but we still use it for liturgical purposes. At the end of August, there is a regular mass here around the memory of the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist, that is, on the anniversary of the patronage of the church. It is traditionally connected with a cycle pilgrimage, which he always participates in many pilgrims from all over Slovakia. Part of it is also the blessing of bicycles. He stays here during the winter

Few buildings from this period have been preserved in the vicinity of Trenčín, and the value of the church as an architectural monument from the Romanesque period is underlined by the fact that it was entered into the list of cultural monuments in 1963.

In 2009, the national cultural monument Romanesque church Pominovec was included among the seven wonders of the Trenčín self-governing region.

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