06. 09. 2018 - 09. 09. 2018
Date nad time
Thursday 06. September 2018 -
Sunday 09. September 2018
in Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
958 01 Partizánske
Birthday as it belongs! Great atmosphere, music, delicious snacks and, of course, birthday surprise.
The Mayor of Partizánske, the parliamentary delegation of Partizánske Municipal Council and the Municipal Art Agency Partizánske cordially invite to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the birth of the city under the name of THE NATIONAL PARK OF THE PARTIES. The event will be held from 6 to 9 September 2018 in Partizánske. A detailed program and more information about celebrations can be found in the below attached poster.
. Mesto Trenčianske Teplice leží severovýchodne od Trenčína na úpätí Strážovských…
Iba najcitlivejšie uši poetických duší tulákov dokážu zachytiť clivú melódiu vzácnej…
958 01 Partizánske