When they say Trenčianske Teplice, everyone will remember the spa, wafers, relaxation, healing water, nature suitable for rest and recreation and, last but not least, the Green Frog. The swimming pool has become a matter of heart for many visitors, not only from the Trenčín region. After 15 years when it was closed, in 2015 she got a new breath in a renewed dress. In addition to the legendary swimming pool, a unique sauna world has been added, which completes the great atmosphere of this place.
The fact that Zelená Žaba Trenčianske Teplice is still a popular place to relax is also evidenced by winning first place in the category of swimming pools and aquaparks in a large reader survey of the Nearest Heart, announced by the regional tourism organization (KOCR) Trenčín region. Of all the nominated facilities, it closes the five most successful, with a total of 465 votes obtained.
In an interview, Lukáš Jagnešák, the operations manager of Zelená Žaba, told us more about this place.
1. There are still many people who do not know what the history of the Green Frog is. Try to summarize it briefly.
The functionalist building is the work of the Brno architect Bohuslav Fuchs. It stands on a hill above the spa town, surrounded by mountains. In addition, the main pool was hand-carved into the rock. Today, Zelená Žaba is a technical uniqueness registered in the list of monuments. It celebrated its 80th anniversary last year and is a work of interwar architecture. The original goal was for people to leave the city a little towards nature. And after the First World War, it was also to serve as a respite for soldiers. So the idea arose to build a swimming pool in the woods.
2. The frog has offered several services in the past, but it did not include wellness as we know it today. The sauna world has become unique in this place. How did this concept come about in particular?
It was created in the head of the founder of Synot Holiday, Mr. Svoboda, who felt that in addition to the swimming pool, it would be necessary to incorporate something new into the project to make Zelená Žaba more attractive to visitors in the winter months. Svoboda is a recognized authority in the field of tourism in Slovakia and this concept has been in its head for a long time. We are very happy that it was on Zelená Žaba that he was given the opportunity to implement it.
3. Which service is most requested on Žaba? Are they saunas or still a swimming pool?
The swimming pool is definitely the most popular.
4. In previous years, visitors also got used to the various events and events that took place at this place. Although it's still early to say, can you tell us what events you are planning after the measures are released?
Nothing can be planned in this situation. At the moment, we still don't know if there will be a summer season at all due to a pandemic, so it is not possible to plan something big. If there is a time opportunity to organize something after the release, we will definitely inform you in time.
5. What do you consider to be the greatest uniqueness of this place?
Unambiguously the location and environment in which the Green Frog is located.
6. Do you feel that you still have somewhere to move? Do you have a "progress plan"?
Trenčianske Teplice as a whole has great potential and certainly the company Synot Holiday wants to participate in the progress and also plans to expand its services related to the swimming pool in the future.
7. What is the target group of this place - is it also suitable for the severely disabled, so it offers barrier-free access?
In the main building there is an elevator that takes customers to the pool, restaurant and locker rooms. So these visitors can definitely come to us as well. The target group is basically unlimited, everyone can visit us and we believe that everyone will find their peace and the services they will use.
8. In the large reader poll of the Nearest Heart, you won 5th place among all nominated facilities and up to 465 satisfied people voted for you. What do you say to such a result?
We are honored that people have remembered us, we thank them very much and we believe that they will support us with their visit in the summer.
9. Is there anything you would like to pass on to readers and future visitors?
I would like them to endure this difficult time, to stay strong, so that we can enjoy the experience of the Green Frog during the summer. I believe that people will support domestic tourism after the end of the pandemic. It is the only way to save places such as the Green Frog.
In Trenčín on April 15, 2021
Text: MT
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