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BIG SUMMER COMPETITION: Win a night at Trenčín Castle

Who wouldn't want to sleep in a castle at least once and experience a night they'll never forget? Now you have the opportunity to fulfill this dream, precisely in Matúšová vež, where Matúš Čák Trenčiansky himself once lived. All you have to do is visit all 7 branches of the Trenčín Museum between 1.6.2023 and 31.8.2023 and you are in the running for this unique experience. We will start the competition on June 1, 2023!

TIP FOR YOU: with a ticket to the castle, you get FREE entry to the other 6 branches of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín for the next 7 days . This is an entry to the noble seat of the Ambro family, to the Podjavorin Museum in Nové Mesto nad Váhom, to the Birthplace of Ľudovít Štúr and Alexander Dubček in Uhrovec and to the Executioner's House, Kostnice and the County House in Trenčín

Competition conditions: any person over 18 years of age who visits all 7 branches managed by the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín between 1.6.2023 and 31.8.2023 (Trenčín Castle, Kostnicu, Katov dom, Župný dom, Podjavorinské múzeum) can participate in the competition in Nové Mesto nad Váhom, the noble residence of the Ambro family in Beckov and the family home of Ľudovít Štúr and Alexander Dubček in Uhrovec) and by 31.8.2023 he will submit a duly completed competition sheet at one of the museum's branches.

The draw will take place a total of 3 times. In the first week of July (tickets handed in until 30.6.2023 will be included in the draw), in the first week of August (tickets handed in between 1.7.2023 and 31.7.2023 will be included in the draw) and in the first week of September (tickets included in the draw will be handed in in the period from 1.8.2023 to 31.8.2023).

The prize is to spend the night in Matthew's Tower of Trenčín Castle for a maximum of 4 people, including the winner (with the use of own equipment for sleeping). Part of the prize is a dinner, which is given to the winner by Hotel Elizabeth in the form of a picnic basket.

The prize can be claimed until September 30, 2023.

You can find the status of the competition HERE

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