During the 3-day event (10. - 12.11.2017) a number of tourism experts met in Trencin. Hotel Elizabeth welcomed participants of the Autumn Meeting of members of the Slovak Association of Travel Agencies and Travel Agencies (SACKA).
SACKA organizes regular meetings of its members and experts in the field to discuss the latest legislative changes or trends that have a major impact on the travel agents' (CK) and travel agency (CA) activities. Meetings are held twice a year, always in another place. On the occasion of this year's seminar in Trenčín, the President of the Association Ing. Stanislav Macko invited representatives of the regional tourism organization (KOCR) Trenčín region to present visitors to the Trenčín Region as well as the activities of the KOCR Trenčín region.
The invitation was welcomed by Mgr. Juraj Gerlici and Executive Director PhDr. Eva Frývaldská. The chairman of the KOCR presented three main activities of the organization, which are regularly published two-month Trenčín region, an identical internet portal and annual presentation of the region at tourism fairs in Slovakia and abroad. The touristic potential, marketing activities and year-round activities of the organization were presented by the Executive Director in his presentations.
" We were very pleased with the opportunity to introduce not only the activity of our organization but also the entire Trenčín region and its opportunities for professional tourism, such as representatives of travel agencies and agencies. I believe we have introduced our region as a place rich in natural beauty, cultural heritage and a place with lots of interesting events, "said Mgr. Juraj Gerlici , Chairman of the KOCR Trencin Region.
The meeting was attended by 117 representatives of travel agencies and offices and lecturers from all over Slovakia and abroad. In addition to the seminars, in addition to the seminars, the tours of the Trenčiansky castle with a period evening were also attended by the legendary Hammam and the unique thermal swimming pool Zelená žaba, as part of the visit to the spa town of Trenčianske Teplice.
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