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Twenty peaks, beauty of the county and a healthy spirit

The premiere has begun, the rules do not change. This year's Trenčianska Vrchárska koruna Trenčianska (VKT) will get a cyclist, traveler or runner who will score 20 prescribed summits from 10 April to 30 November 2017, take pictures and upload photos to the website of Vrchárska koruna Trenčianska.

The VKT organizers have selected 20 interesting hills for this year. Among them are the highest peaks of the county, lookout towers and castles. Let's introduce them in more detail. Four stops left by organizers from the past year - Považský Inovec (1,042 m), Veľká Javorina (970 m), Panská Javorina (942 m) and Milan Rastislav Štefánik's Mound to Bradle (543 m).

Two Vrch pairs are waiting for VKT participants in the Trencin district - the transmitter Nad oborem (657 m) and the highest peak of the spa area Trenčianske Teplice, Klepáč Hill (575 m). The highest and most massive hill of the western part of Javorníkov, the peak of Makyta (922 m), which lies on the border of the Trenčín and Zlín regions, will be offered by the Púchov district. New asphalt awaits cyclists on Zrnova (854 m), this year also included among the peaks.

At the upper Nitra, in the district of Partizánske, thanks to VKT, steps will lead you to Michalov vrch (541 m). At this strategically advantageous location above the boundary of Nitra and Tekovská župa once stood a castle, which at the turn of the 13th and 14th century burned out and disappeared. Only a rock carved inside wall and a few clear traces of the wall remained behind him. The highest peak of the Trenčian region Vtáčnik (1346 m) is waiting for the participants in the Prievidza district. With an altitude of 1,141m, Magura, the highest peak of the Little Magura, is added to it. The third peak in this district is the transmitter Čierny vrch (997 m).

The history of Považská Bystrica will be known. From the small lookout to the hill Stratenec (1,055 m), tourists will enjoy the view of the Slovak and Moravian sides. The seating is prepared at the top of Orgonova Kýčera (959 m). According to the story of this place, the last worshiper of pagan idols fled the old Orgon and founded the settlement of Orgonovce.

Beautiful view of the whole Vážska niva will be provided in the district Nové Mesto n./V. Cyclists and tourists in the Veľký Plesnivec (484 m). This is a favorite place for paragladians or rogalists who often use the top as a starting point. In the area, which is also declared a nature reserve, there is also a rare species of steppe grass - talkative. The participants will also be pleased with the next stop in the Novoměstský District - the reconstructed ruin of Beckov Castle (250 m) on a 60 meter high brass.

In the western part of the county, in the Myjava district, the viewer of Poľana will offer the most beautiful view from the three look-outs built within the cross-border cooperation project "Let's look across borders from a height". Enjoy the view of the White Carpathians, the Great Javorina massif, the Myjavská hills, the Little Carpathians, Považský Inovec, Tribeč, Vtáčnik and Strážovské vrchy.

There is a 594-meter peak of Butkov in the Ilava district, which has a beautiful view of the quarry, Ladce village, White Carpathians, Strážovské vrchy and Javorníky. You can refresh yourself with tasty water at Brezova chapel (650 m). The stop, which the VKT will bring in the Bánovce n./B district, is the castle Uhrovec built between 1251 and 1293. Although the ruin of the castle is located in the heavily accessible terrain, it is definitely worthwhile to stop at this stop.

So, if you are a cycling enthusiast or hobbyist, do not hesitate to register at:


Author: red

Photo: TSK

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