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Conference "700th anniversary of the death of Matúš Čák Trenčiansky (1321 - 2021)"

The culmination of the Year of Matúš Čák will be the autumn professional conference “700. Anniversary of Matúš Čák Trenčiansky (1321 - 2021) ”, organized by the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín in cooperation with the Department of History of the Faculty of Arts of the Trnava University in Trnava.

The conference will take place in the premises of Trenčín Castle in the barracks building on September 23 and 24, 2021 and will be accessible to the professional and lay public.

The conference will feature lectures on topics related to the political situation and economic conditions during the reign of Matúš Čák. An interesting subject of lectures will certainly be the topic of the personality of Matúš, the Čák family, the development of society in the time of Matúš from the point of view of archeology, etc. The lecturers will be important Slovak historians and personalities who are among the experts on the Middle Ages. Younger colleagues who have brought new stimuli to the research will also be given space.

The conference will be freely streamed via the social network facebook of the Trenčín Museum and Trenčín Castle. The online stream will start on Thursday 23 September and Friday 24 September 2021 at 9.30 am.

Links where the online stream will be available:

- Trenčín Museum https://www.facebook.com/TrencianskeMuzeum

- Trenčín Castle https://www.facebook.com/TrencianskyHrad

Source: Ing. Radovana Keliarová, tel .: +421 901 918 858, e-mail: radovana.keliarova@muzeumtn.sk, Marketing and Communication Department, Trenčín Museum in Trenčín


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