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The Slovak Presidency of the Council of Europe will also be hosting the Trenčiansky Castle

ESKaEU are smiling together - the common goals, visions and priorities of the presidency and its regions in relation to the European Union. These topics will also be celebrated at the Trenčín Castle during an event aimed at bringing the Slovak Presidency closer to the Council of the European Union.


Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) The Trenčín region, in cooperation with the Central School of Arts (Trenčín) and the Trenčín Self-governing Region (TSK), organizes the multi-genre event of the eSKaEU and they smile together.

Event   Has a high school through specific speakers and activities to bring the presidency's activities closer together and their importance to both the country and the whole of the European Union. The premises of the castle barracks will be transformed throughout the day on Thursday, September 22, 2016, into a showcase of creative workshops and an in-depth debate with experts, which will include the European Union in particular . Among the speakers, As well as the author SK PRES 2016, who is a graduate of SUŠ Trenčín in the founding area of ​​the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK). The implementation of the project is intended to encourage young people to become more active and participate in the EU.

However, interviews will not be the only thing that pupils will enrich and enjoy. Billy Barman and duo Webers concert are also prepared. The hands of the participants of the event employ the creative art of land art also on the theme of the Slovak presidency. The result will be the SK PRES logo, folded in 5 x 7 m colorful stones, which will be located in the courtyard of the castle not only for the duration of the event but until the end of SK PRES. The cherry on the cake will be a fashion show from the workshop of the Central Art School in Trenčín.

The target group is students from 15 to 19 years of age, who are deepening their knowledge of EU policy as part of the forthcoming event. To expand their horizons of the presidency of the Slovak Republic and the complex functioning of the EU, they will participate actively, by their own initiative: participation in competitions, discussions, accompanying creative and knowledge activities.

The event financially supported the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic from the grant system for projects promoting the Slovak Presidency in the EU Council. The organizers of the cultural and educational event are SUŠ Trenčín, Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK) and the regional organization of tourism (KOCR) Trenčín region. The partners will also be able to contribute to the work: the Europe Direct Trenčín Regional Center, the University of Management / City University and the Trenčian University of Alexandr Dubček in Trenčín.

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