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Trenčiansky Castle and Bojnice Castle will disappear for an hour

On Saturday, March 25, 2017, the historic dominance of the Trenčín Region is also part of the world's largest environmental campaign called "Earth Hour". The Bojnice Castle is immersed in the dark for 60 minutes, and the Trenčiansky Castle will remain without lighting until the sun shines.

Every year more than a billion people around the world express their support for this project. The Earth Hour for the first time kicked off in 2007 in Sydney, Australia. The campaign , initiated by the Global Nature Conservation Fund, aims to draw attention to issues of global warming and light pollution.

Awareness-raising initiative on climate change The Slovak National Museum - Bojnice Museum has been supporting for several years. For the first time, the event took place in 2010. On Saturday, March 25, 2017 , the contours of the Bojnice Chateau will run from 20.30 to 21.30 with the star and moonlight. For an hour the inhabitants of Bojnice will be able to enjoy the unusual view of the castle without the external lighting.

At the same time, the Dark Castle symbolically surrounds the darkness. "By turning off the lights, Trenčín Museum in Trenčín wants to draw attention to the problems of global warming in the founding powers of the Trenčín self-governing region. By joining the global project, we are trying to point out the extreme use of funds for the use of electricity, which also burden our planet's environment, " said Peter Pastier of the Department of Marketing and Communication of the Trenčín Museum. The lighting of the castle will turn off half an hour after 20.00 h until the shade of the castle engulfs the night.

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