


Cyril and Methodius at Čachtice Castle

05. 07. 2018 - 08. 07. 2018

On the occasion of the feast of St. Cyril and Methodius reminds Slavic traditions at Čachtice Castle

Date nad time

Thursday 05. July 2018 -
Sunday 08. July 2018
in Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Čachtice castle
Malinovského 769
916 21 Čachtice

Cyril a Metod na Čachtickom hrade
Cyril a Metod na Čachtickom hrade

Cyril and Methodius at Čachtice Castle

The Feast of St. Cyril and Methodius are reminiscent of Slavic traditions or various activities for both small and large.

On July 5, 2018, 1155 years will elapse from the arrival of Byzantine vestors to the territory of Great Moravia. A memorial to this anniversary will not be discovered by Čachtický castle. During the days from 5 to 8 July 2018, visitors will be able to admire jewelery products and the work of various craftsmen of old crafts. The program for children and adults will not be an emergency. They will take care of the Rytieri Vir Fortis. Visitors to the castle promised both the writer and the coin racer. They will not miss various games and competitions.

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Address Malinovského 769
916 21 Čachtice


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