Uhrovec Castle made itself known again. More precisely about your past. In the Romanesque chapel, which is part of it, they found Gothic frescoes depicting the Crucifixion.
"The frescoes are one of the few painting decorations in the castle ruins, which is relatively well preserved. I'm not sure if the castles, which have been preserved intact for a change, are not chapels, perhaps older than the one in Uhrovec, Baroque, because their possible older painting had to give way to the taste of the new owners, " Dušan Koniar describes the uniqueness of the frescoes from Uhrovec. He is one of the people who are trying to restore the original appearance and spirit of the ruins above Uhrovec.
The discovered painting replaced the painted retabula of the altar. It depicts the scene of the Crucifixion, under the cross are the figures of the Virgin Mary, St. Barbara and two unidentified saints. Within the framework of Gothic mural painting in Slovakia, it is unique precisely due to the fact that it is located in the castle grounds, ie not in a church, monastery, town or village. "She has survived several fires and even earthquakes. The frescoes were under a protective layer of plaster for 19 years, so that the sharp tooth of time would not take away even from the little that has been preserved from them. In order for such a beauty to please the eye of the visitor, the space of the entire chapel must be climatically stabilized, " explains Dušan Koniar, adding that last year a revision restoration research was carried out and a proposal for the restoration of the fresco was prepared.
photo: Stanislav Hladký
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