For the first time this year, a unique historic tram was launched. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, its fans could enjoy a special ride only from the comfort of their home.
Despite the challenging year of 2020, TREŽ managed to carry almost 7,400 passengers, send 232 trains and win the Best Tourist Product award in the TOP competition in the tourism of the Trenčín Region. "By driving online, we tried to remind our fans that the tram still works and is ready for the summer season. We motivated people to watch the ride with a competition, we drew its winners live. More than 70 people sent us the correct answer to our question on the social network, " explained the director of TREŽ Dušan Nosál. "I thank the director of TREŽ, Mr. Nosál, and his colleagues for their volunteer work, without which this unique tram would not run in Slovakia. Trenčín County will also support its operation this year in the amount of 25 thousand. euros, as it has been doing for the last 7 years, " said Jaroslav Baška, mayor of Trenčín.
Source: Dept. communication and international relations of TSK
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