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Behind the door of the Ambrov manor in Beckov

The wait is over and the gates of the cultural monument have reopened. The Renaissance manor of the Ambrov family in Beckov is enjoying a new exhibition. On Tuesday, June 2, 2020, it was presented to the public by representatives of the Trenčín Museum.

After an extensive reconstruction of the building, a visitor can see a sample of objects from the depository of the Trenčín Museum, a permanent exhibition dedicated to a native of Beckov, Jozef Miloslav Hurban and findings from Beckov Castle. Part of the exhibition located on the second floor is devoted to housing culture of the 19th to 20th centuries. It presents objects of higher rankings, nobility or burghers. "Through the rare items from the museum's collection, the magnificently furnished interior of the aristocratic residence is presented," said Peter Martinisko, director of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín. "We tried to present an authentic aristocratic residence. There are placed objects from the collections of various aristocratic families who lived in Považie. Such as the Szilvay family from Moravské Lieskové and Adamovské Kochanovce, as well as various aristocratic families from Medný, " said Vladimír Pinďák, head of professional staff, historian of the Trenčín Museum. Dresses are exposed to a great rarity of the exhibition. "These are original pieces of clothing from the second half of the 19th century, which took place in the process of restoration. We even have a noble dress here, " added Pinďák. The premises on the second floor are furnished in the form of authentic lounges. It is worth mentioning the oriental salon, which demonstrates the passion of the nobility for traveling and learning about new cultures. The eye of the visitor can also get lost in the baroque bedroom, with a beautiful baroque bed from 1762. The last room on the second floor is dedicated to the manor room. According to the historian Vladimír Pinďák, the premises look as if their inhabitants would never leave.

The preparation of the long-awaited exposition, divided into two floors, was signed by experts from the Trenčín Museum and the department of the Podjavorin Museum in Novo Mesto nad Váhom. The historians Libor Bernát, Kristína Danková, the above-mentioned Vladimír Pinďák and the archaeologist Peter Schreiber had the main say in the preparations. The reconstruction of the Ambrovec Mansion was financed from the budget of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín, under the founding authority of the Trenčín self-governing region.

The premises of the Ambrovská manor are open to the public daily, except Mondays, from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.

PŠ, Trenčín 4. 6. 2020

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