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We to the neighbors and neighbors to us

FIJET SLOVAKIA under the auspices of the General Director of the Tourism Section at the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic Ing. Zoltán Kovacs has announced a journalists' contest on the topic "We to the neighbors and neighbors to us". The competition organized on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Czechoslovakia and the 25th anniversary of the independent Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic will end until December 2018.

Journalists from the Slovak Republic (Czech works) and journalists from the Czech Republic (works about Slovakia) can participate. The content and level of posting is evaluated by a professional jury in the following four areas:

- TV

- Radio

- Print

- On-line

Works of authors will be included in the competition:

a) who will subscribe to a call and send their contributions to fijetslovakia@fijetslovakia.sk in the period up to December 15, 2018

b) authors who will be included in the competition on the basis of monitoring

Main partner of the competition: Tourism Section of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic

Partners of the competition: Czech Travel Press, Czech Tourism, University of Economics in Bratislava, KOCR Northeast of Slovakia, OOCR Region of Trnava

Source: OZ FIJET Slovakia web site


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