By the beginning of the tourist season Trenčiansky hrad undergoes several changes.
On Friday, March 10, 2017, four directors of the entities in the founding jurisdiction of the Trenčín Self-governing Region (TSK) met in the reconstructed barracks at the Trenčín Castle. The purpose of their meeting was to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of increasing the attractiveness of the Trenčín Castle in the field of tourism.
Trenčianske múzeum v Trenčíne, Stredná umelecká škola (SUŠ) v Trenčíne, Stredná odborná škola stavebná (SOŠS) Emila Belluša v Trenčíne a Stredná odborná škola Pruské s podpísaním memoranda o spolupráci sa zaviazali, že spoločným úsilím prispejú k zlepšeniu podmienok a návštevníckej komfortu v areáli Trenčianskeho castle. "The Trenčín Museum expects from this cooperation with schools to beautify the castle's premises, but also help with solving various activities designed for visitors or overall improvement of the visitors' comfort. Cooperation with individual schools is ongoing. In the preparation are graphic designs, various historical costumes or exchange of benches . I believe that by the beginning of the season, the whole area of Trenčín Castle will be more attractive thanks to this cooperation, " said Peter Pastier of the Department of Marketing and Communications of the Trenčín Museum.
The aim of the castle is to see all the parties through the use of the professional and creative potential of teachers and pupils who will actively participate in the completion of the Trenčín Castle complex. For example, Through activities in the fields of joinery, masonry, geodetic activities, garden design, creation of promotional graphics, stage costume creation and the like. "Gro's work will be related to garden modifications at the castle. We will also cover other proposals, such as Historical gardens. We are able to help in various festivities, where we can prepare the arranging of the production of live and non-living flowers, " added the director of SOU Pruské Janka Fedorová , accompanied by SOŠS director Emil Belluša Martina Knappová : " We see potential in the memorandum, We put our children into practice. As part of the presentation of the Trenčín Castle it would be possible to prepare 3D models or other models of the castle that would serve to present it. I would be delighted if the pupils of each year are involved in this project. An estimate could be between 50 and 60 children. "
The SUŠ in Trenčín cooperated with the Trenčín Museum in the past. By signing the memorandum, this cooperation will be further deepened. "We highly value the relationship with the museum, which for many years provided our pupils with their exhibition spaces in order to present their work. I am delighted that this work extends to the level of invention and creativity. We were approached by the Trenčín Museum to design and realize historical costumes that will enrich the tourist tours of the castle, " said Ivan Štefka , head of the SUŠ Trenčín.
The signing of the memorandum in the castle barracks was also attended by the Trenčiansky župan Jaroslav Baška: "I am very glad that all the organizations that have signed the memorandum belong to the founding powers of TSK. The purpose of this memorandum is to enable schools to help Trenčiansky Museum and vice versa. This is a very good synergy, where the museum will take advantage of pedagogues and handsome students. On the other hand, I think that even pupils in the future can help when they have been told in the biography that they have been practicing and helping to rebuild Trenčiansky castle. This is a very good idea we support. "
The Trenčín Castle, which is the only castle in the region, belongs to the TSK, specifically the Trenčín Museum, waiting for a number of significant changes. Planned is the realization of the south fortification of Trenčín Castle, the reconstruction of the access road in the Brezina forest park or the construction of the administrative building called " "Greenhouse".
Source: Mgr. Matej Plánek, Odd. Communications and International Relations TSK
Photo by Tomas Hudek
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