Trenčianska Vrchárska koruna belongs for the third year among the most successful sports events in the Trenčín region. Its goal is to promote the diversity of the region, tourist attractions, cycle paths and to connect both professional and amateur athletes. More than a hundred sports enthusiasts took part in the evaluation of this year's edition of the Office of the Trencin Autonomous Region.
The first and largest cycling event in Slovakia , which aims to bring the small and big beauties of the region to bear, is called the Vrchárska koruna Trenčianska (VKT). Adept for her successful crush must mitigate 20 pre-selected peaks on a bicycle or on foot . Organizers try to adapt the terrain to the age-old interface of athletes from the youngest to the oldest. "In the three years of VKT existence, the number of participants is closer to one thousand. Interestingly, there are not only Slovaks, but also Czechs, Swedes and Germans, "said Radoslav Tilandy, one of the founders of the VKT.
Those who want to ride their bikes and take part in the competition do not need any funds . "There was never a starting fee and it would never pay. Thanks for our partners who are very helpful in organizing us. These are in particular the Trenčín Autonomous Region and the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region, " added Tilandy .
On Saturday, December 15, 2018, more than a hundred successful graduates of this year's VKT attended the Congress Hall of the Trenčín Autonomous Region (TSK) in Trenčín, where the organizers thanked and handed over prizes. All the routes were completed by 126 cyclists and 52 tourists. "A VKT is an event that does not have a specific target group. You can participate in it altogether, and it is really exceptional. The youngest this year's participant has not even a year, and I think that just joining families and active leisure time is the true essence of this project, " said Kosta Chief Executive Officer of Trenčín Region, Eva Frývaldská .
Twenty hills topped this year by approximately 192 kilometers with a nearly 9-kilometer elevation .
We congratulate all participants and look forward to a meeting during the Trenčianska Vrchárska koruna in 2019.
Source: OKaMV, U TSK,
Photo by Radovan Stoklas
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