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the rain

Do you know the Trenčín region?

Monuments, culture, sports, nature or relaxation? We combined pleasant with useful. Use your free time to gain new knowledge. Send the correct answers to 4 simple questions and maybe we will draw you.

This week you are competing for a super t-shirt depicting the most famous monuments of the Trenčín region.

Send the correct answers, numbered according to the order of questions, to the e-mail address: info@trencinregion.sk

We will draw the correct answers next week, on Wednesday, March 25, 2020. We will send the winner an information e-mail. The video from the draw will be published under a post on the Facebook fanpage Trenčín region.

Ask the questions!

1. What castle is in the picture?

2. There is a spring under the castle. What's her name?

The rumor of unhappy love thwarted by a higher power is closely linked to the current name of the source. Until 2007, water springed from the "Na žliabku" spring. What's his name now? Our website will help you find the right answer. Search HERE .

3. How high is the hill on which rises the "stone brother" of the castle in the first picture?

The castle in the first picture changed several owners. The most famous were the Rákoci family, the Maťaš family, but also the robber brothers Podmanickí. The latter also managed Považský Castle for some time. How many meters above sea level is the limestone hill on which the witness of ancient history rises? You can find help in the audio recording about Považský castle .

4. From the nearby Manín Strait, along the nature trail, to the largest rock overhang of the Carpathian Arch. Do you know his name?

The width of the narrowest towns of the Manín Strait is barely enough for a bus pass. In the winter months, snow avalanches often slide to the bottom of the valley, when the strait is difficult to pass. In the spring, however, a tourist may encounter a very rare natural phenomenon against the current of a stream, along the route of an educational trail. The largest rock overhang of the Carpathian arch. What's her name?

More questions are ready again in a week on Thursday!

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