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Wooden sea waves in the Haluzicky church

The ruins of the Haluzické church were made special by the Mirroring installation. The new wooden floor resembling sea waves is the work of a visual artist and will decorate the church until the end of September.

"It is made of spruce lumber, which we brought dry and then bent it into the structure. It took us nine days with four carpenters. Since we are in church, it is an association to the Bible, where there are several stories in which water plays an important role. It is up to the viewer to decode why it is in the nave of the church," visual artist Juraj Gábor revealed to RTVS. By raising the floor, it was possible to get more beautiful views from the windows of the church.

The artwork was created in the church with the consent of the preservationists, the village and the nearby parish. The new installation called Mirroring is intended to keep people longer in the interior of the church.

Photo: Radovan Stoklasa

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