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Famous houses with new roofs

The birth house of one of the most famous Slovaks underwent reconstruction.

More precisely, the roof of the house in Uhrovec, where Ľudovít Štúr and Alexander Dubček were born, needed to replace the tile. It was already leaking into the attic, which disrupted the technical condition of the building. However, the new roof will have the same contours, ie the original shape, slope and dimensions. All in such a way as to preserve elements of folk architecture. The house was originally a Hungarian school and a teacher's apartment. At present, it houses a museum that will introduce you to the life of Štúr and Dubček. In November of this year, we also commemorate the 100th anniversary of A. Dubček's birth. On this occasion, the Trenčín Museum and the municipality of Uhrovec are preparing accompanying events.

The roof and the wooden walkway at Kat's house in Trenčín had a similar problem with leaks. The new roofing will save the house in which he once lived and also "performed justice" city cat. Today, there is an exposition of the Trenčín Museum, which will take you into the world of the city executioner in the 16th to 18th centuries. You will also find an exhibition here, which introduces the activities of guilds and the life of townspeople in Trenčín and its surroundings.

photo: Stanislav Hladký

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