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KOCR Trenčín region kicked off "STURIZMUS"

On Friday 1 July 2016, the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region presented a summer holiday game called STURIZMUS. At the Uhrovec Castle, Eva Fryvaldská, the director of the organization, approached the essence of the project aimed at motivating families with children, young people to visit castles, castles and castle ruins in the Trenčín region.

There are 11 accessible castles, castles and castle ruins in the territory of Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj. Few today boast a visit to each of them. During the summer months of July - August 2016, the KOCR Trenčín Region has prepared a fun-learning game STURIZMUS aimed at families with children and young people. The project combines the tourism and the legacy of an important personality of Slovakia, a passionate traveler and a native of Uhrovec - Ľudovít Štúr. Within the competition, a link has been placed on each of the castles that will search for GPS coordinates and indices. As a popular geocaching game, young people can discover not only the castles, but also the natural beauty of the Trenčian region.

The mailboxes hiding the link with the snippet of the quotation by Ľudovít Štúr , which was removed from his travel book "Journey After the Soil", will be able to search for contestants from July 1 to August 31, 2016 . The condition of placing in the competition is to send the quoted quote together with the "selfie" of the visited 11 castles of the Trenčín Region. "We have decided to support the summer tourist season by creating a competition called STURIZMUS. Last year, more than 430,000 visitors visited the castles and chateaux in the Trenčín Region. We hope that much more will come from the competition we have devised. The biggest prize and attraction of the competition is the rental of an electric car for the whole weekend, "said the Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská .

The first searches for the Uhrovec castle were children from the Primary School with a kindergarten in the village of Uhrovec. The search for the link was motivated by the castle of Uhrovský castle - Pavel Pavlis , who told the young researcher the reputation "About the kozej baste". After exploring the castle, the first link was successfully discovered. "We had some clues, a story told us and we found a treasure. I would love to visit all 11 castles and find other hidden references ", did not hide the joy of the success of Zuzka Bujnová pupil at Uhrovec Elementary School.

The KOCR Trencin region, in the realization of the STURIZMUS project, cooperates with all the castle managers in the Trenčín Region. By supporting this competition, a common goal should be achieved, namely to increase castle visitation and to inform about the hidden treasures of the Trenčín region. "I think it is very important for people to see castles in context, and thanks to this project I believe that people will visit several castles at once and understand their importance in the region, that is, their defensive function", appreciated the idea of ​​the competition Chairman of the Uhrovec Martin Wow .

Coordinates and indications to hidden links

For more information contact: Ing. Pavol Štefčík, regional tourism organization Trenčín region, To the lower station 7282 / 20A, Trenčín, e-mail: pavol.stefcik@trencinregion.sk ; Tel .: +421 901 918 854

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