


A regional cycling route passing through the beautiful natural environment of the Manín Strait, the Kostolecká Strait and the Bosmany Gate. The route is undemanding and can be managed by a family with children. Due to the number of attractions on the route, we recommend that you set aside more time to pass it.

Route no. 2305


MTB cycling route





License plate number



17 km

Camber (climb/sinking)

302/287 m


asphalt, gravel

Považská Bystrica - Zakvašov

Považská Bystrica - Zakvašov

A regional cycling route passing through the beautiful natural environment of the Manín Strait, the Kostolecká Strait and the Bosmany Gate. The route is undemanding and can be managed by a family with children. Due to the number of attractions on the route, we recommend that you set aside more time to pass it.

17 km
302/287 m
MTB cycling route
Považská Bystrica - Zakvašov

Považská Bystrica - Zakvašov

The blue cycling route starts in Považská Bystrica at the crossroads of cycling routes near the shopping center. From here it continues along the outskirts of the town towards Považská Teplá. Here the tables guide us into the valley and the route passes along an asphalt road through the Manínska strait nature reserve. There is also an educational trail with info boards. The peaks of Veľký and Malý Manín rise powerfully above us. Gradually, the route comes to the village of Záskalie and through the Kostolecká gorge continues to the village of Kostolec. Here above the village there is another natural attraction, namely the rock cliffs of Bosmany. A steep but short ascent awaits us to the village and behind the village we descend along the field road to the village of Praznov. The route passes through the village and ends in the locality of Zakvašov at the crossroads with the Rajecká cycle route.

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