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We are looking for a TOP GASTRO establishment in the Trenčín region for 2022

Attention gourmets, coffee drinkers and dessert lovers! Once again, we are looking for the place you like the most. A place where you always leave happy. Quality, atmosphere or friendly staff - everything counts.

The regional tourism organization (KOCR) of the Trenčín region has for the 6th year announced a survey for the best gastronomic establishment in the Trenčín region, where, with the help of the public, it is looking for the best restaurant, bistro, cafe, pastry shop or bar. The public can nominate their favorite device throughout November. December will belong to the vote.

"The TOP GASTRO competition is very popular not only with individual operators of gastronomic facilities, but also with the public. While the owners of the establishments see recognition for their work in the nomination and the votes received, for the visitors it is a hint of guaranteed quality of services ," explained the essence of the award, executive director of KOCR Trenčín region, Eva Dudová Frývaldská.

The winner of the last year was the restaurant Alej in Bojnice. It was decided by 191 satisfied customers who voted for the device. They could choose from 80 nominated facilities from the entire Trenčín region.

You can nominate an establishment by commenting under the post on the Facebook profile of KOCR Trencin region, by sending a message on the Facebook fan page or by e-mail to topgastro@trencinregion.sk . It will be possible to vote for your favorite via the online form on the website www.trencinregion.sk from 1 December to 31 December 2022 .

Everyone who contributes with their nomination or vote will be entered into a draw for a €200 voucher to the Möbelix network of stores.


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