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The Trenčín Region presented itself during the Slovak Presidency of the OSCE

On Thursday, November 28, 2019, a presentation of culture, traditional cuisine, customs and tourism was organized at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, organized by the Trenčín self-governing region (TSK) and the regional tourism organization (KOCR) Trenčín region. The event was ceremoniously opened by the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the OSCE, Radomír Boháč, together with the mayor of Trenčín, Jaroslav Bašek.

Trenčín region as a region of castles, chateaux and legends, traditions or great food. This is how the KOCR Trenčín region and the Trenčín self-governing region, headed by the mayor of Trenčín, Jaroslav Bašek, presented themselves in the Hofsburg Palace. In his speech, he mentioned not only the largest investment projects of the self-governing region, but also the development of electromobility and the ecological direction of the county. "Our region offers a wide range of opportunities for tourism, but also relaxation in three spas. The county's priorities also include the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, as evidenced by the development of cycling infrastructure and a unique project of the Hockey Academy. I am also extremely proud of all folklore groups that preserve the traditions typical of our region, " said the mayor of Trenčín.

Ambassador and current Chairman of the Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Radomír Boháč, together with OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger and other guests, enjoyed the performance of the music group Zvonkohra Košariská-Priepasné or a multi-course menu vocational school of trade and services in Púchov under the founding competence of TSK. The presentation of the Trenčín Region on the occasion of the Slovak Presidency of the OSCE was organized by KOCR Trenčín Region. "We are very pleased to be able to present the best we have in the region to rare foreign guests from OSCE member states. From regional gastronomy, through culture to an exhibition of photographs, which showed the guests the beauty and uniqueness of our region, " said Eva Frývaldská, Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín Region.

Source: Dept. communication and international relations of TSK

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