The symbol of the city of Trenčín awaits this and the following year of historical changes. A separate entrance with its own treasury will be added to the castle, thanks to which the foot of the tourist will enter the places where it has not yet been reached.
Greenhouse, new cycle path or southern fortification. Three verbal links that will be inherently connected with the Trenčín Castle in this and the next year. In 2018 and 2019, Trenčiansky Castle will be the year of revolutionary changes .
Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj, as the founder of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín, which manages the castle, invests more than 1.8 million. € . Not only from own resources, but from European Union sources. The county has become a successful applicant for an irrecoverable financial contribution from the INTERREG VA SK-CZ Operational Program to a project called TreBuChet -Trenčín, Bučovice, to protect European traditions. "As the name of the project shows, the partners of this project are the Trenčín County, the Moravian town of Bučovice and the regional city of Trenčín," explained the project manager Martina Lamačková.
As part of this international project, a new access road will be created to Trenčianský Castle, which will be created by reconstructing an already existing road road leading through Brezina Forest Park. Archaeological research as well as reconstruction of the access road will be realized by Trenčín. Building another access will automatically lead to the creation of a new separate entrance to the castle with its own treasury, which will be located in the premises of the South Fortification . It will also undergo a complete reconstruction. "Thus, the tourists will have a significantly larger area of the Trenčín Castle complex, as it has been so far. At the same time they will be allowed to enter those parts of the castle that were unavailable to the public. The two treasuries will also be very positive in organizing events of a more significant nature, as the waiting time at the cash desk will be shortened, "Martina Lamačková, head of the Regional Development Department, added.
The terms of the work may affect archaeological research
Before the new entrance to the castle becomes a reality, the Brezina Forest Park is waiting for the archaeological research to follow. The planned start of the construction works on the castle, according to the last meeting of all stakeholders and partners on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at the premises of the regional office, is estimated at the beginning of March and April. The time required for building the castle is likely to exceed one year. However, it is not only the historic walls that are being modified. In the premises of the South Fortifications, which make up about one third of the castle area, there will be information boards and recreational facilities , in the form of benches. From the Memorial tortured to Brezine, through the Cherry Set as well as the new entrance to the castle, a thematic educational walkway and relaxation zones will be created as well. A forest park with a cross-border partner will also be a significant restoration; in Bučovice.
The total eligible costs for this project amount to almost 3 million. €, for Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj 1,45 mil. €. The financial contribution from INTERREG VA SK-CZ for the county will amount to 1.38 mil. €, for Trenčín zaokrúhlene 480 tis. €.
However, the construction of the castle does not end there. The administrative building, also known as Trenčany, known as Skleník, is also undergoing the long awaited renovation. For its reconstruction, the Region has allocated in its budget 480 thousand. €. "At the same time, there will be a temporary visitor center where tourists will be able to find out basic information about tours or events held at the castle or in other museum exposures, and the operation of the souvenir shop will also be added," commented Trencian Museum Director Peter Martinisko.
The castle on the bike. Also from Moravia
This year, after the new domestic and foreign public, the castle should be safely reached on the track of the planned cycle path . It will lead directly from Trenčiansky castle, under the oldest pilgrimage site Skalka nad Váhom to Nemšová. It is connected to an existing cycling trail, which extends to the border with the Czech Republic. As part of the International Bicycle Project, in the footsteps of history, there is a presumption that our western neighbor will link Trenčiansky castle with Brumov Castle - Bylnice by continuing this cycle route. In addition to this project, TSK together with the town of Brumov - Bylnice became a successful applicant for an irrecoverable financial contribution under the INTERREG VA SK-CZ program and its total value reaches more than 5.1 mil. €. Eligible expenditure for TSK is 3.3 mil. €, irrecoverable financial contribution of almost 3.2 million. €. "The body of the newly built cycle route on the Slovak side reaches 11.3 km, the rest represents the network of local communication in the territory of the regional city, respectively. an existing cycle path in the Nemšová - state border section, "added Radovan Hladký, regional cycloconoritor, adding that the construction of this cycle route should start later this year.
The museum will also complement the region's investment
Castle Matúš Čáka has been in the status of the most visited exposition of the Trenčín Museum for years. It plans to invest this year from its own resources, not only from the founder's treasury. "For about 170,000 euros, we want to replace the roof at Del's Bastion at the Fifth Gate. Modernization will go through the camera system, which we managed to get some of the funds from the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic. Comprehensive reconstruction also undergoes the castle waterworks. We also have great plans to change exhibitions and events on the side of the event, "he told the director of other museum plans.
Source: Odd. communication and international relations of TSK
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