The precious legacy of our ancestors, which spread for decades through music, and passed from a tribe to a tribe in the form of songs, costumes, or folk customs. All this is to include the forthcoming publication of the Trenčín Region, which will present in a clear form the musical groups operating on the territory of the region, their history, present and specifics. A folk group, folklore ensemble or other music group from your district or village can still be part of it.
A unique overview of the musical artistic groupings that have or have worked in the past in the Trenčín region is being prepared by the county since the end of January this year. Send a completed form that will contain all the required information along with five photos that can be specified music groups until the end of May 2018 . Even in this case, however, the sooner, the better. They can choose from two options; by post to the address of the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj, to the lower station 7282 / 20A, 911 01 Trenčín or by e-mail to All the necessary information is published at the county's headquarters.
The dissemination of information about the prepared book publications is assisted by local authorities and municipalities operating in the territory of the Trenčín region, the mayors and mayors of municipalities themselves or various information channels. The effort of the county is to create a publication that will be a thank you for many years of activity and the preservation of the traditions of individual musical clusters, but above all a reference for the younger generations .
Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj is filled with the richness of folk crafts, songs, dances and inimitable social customs, which are associated with the creation of folklore groups and ensembles. In each of the nine districts of the region artists have their regional specifics and characteristic features that will soon link to the unique book form of the Trenčín self-governing region.
Source: Odd. communication and international relations of TSK
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