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Thanks to the open-air museum, the glass in Bela did not cool down

Glasses, windows or various gift items - glass is now a common part of our life.

Have you ever thought about how our ancestors did in the past? You can find the answer in the village of Valaská Belá in the Prievidza district. Specifically, in a unique glasshouse, which is the only one of its kind in Slovakia. You can not only look at the old techniques and practices but also try it out.

Valaska Belá is one of our largest villages. The rugged village surrounded by beautiful nature lies at the half between Ilava and Prievidza. Attention is to attract the costume here, not only with its decoration, but also by its age. Folk costumes with typical Belian embroidery are the oldest preserved garments at all.

In the past, the dandelion was not only a typical figurine, but it was also famous for its strong glass tradition. Since the middle of the 18th century, the Gápel, which belongs to the Valaska Bele, produced both hollow glass and hollow glass. The glassworks were founded by Trenčianski Jesuites. A good story about the skills of local masters and the products themselves has spread far beyond the small community. Their followers were glass-makers who produced crystal chrysalis. Even though the factory is closed for several years now, the glass-going open-air museum continues its tradition.

It is located in the very center of the village and, besides the fact that you will know glass history here, you can also live a practical demonstration of craft. You will learn how the glass was once blown, shaped and decorated. You will also find out what tools our ancestors used to do in this work.

In addition to glass tools, a specially adapted furnace is also available in the open-air shop. It takes one whole day to warm up. But the right temperature is important - quartz, soda and limestone change to enamel at a temperature above 1400 degrees Celsius. First, it has a density that resembles honey. It fades as the temperature decreases until it becomes solid glass. Those who find courage and do not interfere with the heat can blow their own idea in a scenery using a hand-made glass whistle. An unconventional tour takes about 50 minutes during which you will see the process of making six products - from small souvenirs to more complicated and larger utility glass.

The glass museum is designed for all ages - pupils and students can attend adventure lessons, families with children experience an unusual trip and adults come to see them. The open-air museum has no classic opening hours, you can only visit it on specific days or by arrangement.

Author: baš

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