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Come on a hike in Trenčianske Teplice!

The sports and tourist activity "Come on a hike" started its 3rd year. You can look forward to new, for some unknown, locations in Trenčianske Teplice and beautiful views from the surroundings of the spa town.

The organizers of the event adhere to the motto "We connect nature and people. We connect sport and culture. Active and healthy lifestyle with knowledge." The whole course of the competition is carried out in this spirit, where the motivation to discover new and unknown corners meets the determination to actively spend free time in nature.

The goal of the competition is to visit selected locations marked with a graphic "pin" from 1.4. until 31.10.2023 . After discovering the sign on the selected viewpoint, it is necessary to take a photo. After completing all the competition places, the contestant sends a total of 7 photos and plays for interesting prizes.

Among the locations that must be visited are beautiful views, namely: Čvirigovec, Jeleň, Klepáč, Biela skala, Sokolovica, Markovica and Kamenné vrata .

You will soon find complete information about the competition on the website www.podnaturu.com, or on the competition's Facebook or Instagram profile.

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