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Light rain

The tram again departs on the Trenčianska Teplá - Trenčianske Teplice line

The slow release of the constraints caused by the global pandemic will return the popular tram to its old tracks.

The rides on the Trenčianska Teplá - Trenčianske Teplice route will start on Saturday, June 27, 2020 . Tourists can look forward to the operation of the Trenčín Electric Railway (TREŽ) every weekend, even during public holidays. Unique rides will be implemented until Sunday, September 27, 2020 , when the summer weekend season ends.

"During the entire three-month period, the tram will be operated according to the valid timetable, also stated in the timetable of the Slovak Railways and CP connection finders," said Dušan Nosál, TREŽ director.

The operating schedule of the tram is as follows:

- from the depot in Trenčianská Teplá on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, always at 10.25, 14.00, 16.00 and 18.25,

- from Trenčianske Teplice at 11.15 am, 2.50 pm, 5.00 pm and 7.15 pm.

Source: Dept. communication and international relations of TSK

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