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Plan your cultural path

The new website www.kulturnecesty.sk presents five international cultural routes passing through the territory of Western Slovakia. One of them is the Cyril and Methodius Road, whose marked hiking trails lead through the Trenčín region. Thanks to a new project from the workshop of the Slovak House Centrope Association (SDC), the tourist will find all the necessary information about the routes, as well as the possibility to set up their own cultural route.

Each Cultural Route combines the attractions and sites of cultural heritage into a unique tourist product through a common theme. At the same time, it offers visitors a unique story in an attractive, innovative way today, with the help of ICT technologies. It invites you to get to know our roots, ancient and recent history, important personalities, diverse localities and cultural heritage monuments. It offers discovery, adventure, relaxation and the possibility of actively spent free time.

The Slovenský dom Centrope association has been devoting itself to thematic journeys for a long time. He also focuses his interest on the development of international cultural routes. One of the outputs of the implemented activities is the newly created website www.kulturnecesty.sk. The site offers the visitor the opportunity to arrange a thematic path according to their own interests. On the website, the visitor will also discover various innovative virtual presentations of individual monuments.

"It is very important to us that Cultural Roads become an attractive offer in the destinations they pass through, because they offer visitors hitherto unknown experiences and stories, " said SDC Director Tatiana Mikušová. The list of thematically tuned routes includes the Cultural Route of St. Cyril and Methodius, which will take the visitor through places connected with saints and heralds Cyril and Methodius. The European route in the Trenčín region draws attention to several localities, such as the oldest pilgrimage site in Slovakia, Skalka near Trenčín, Trenčín Castle or the Pobedim and Mesciská-Pružina fortifications.

Source: Slovak House Centrope

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