Dubnica nad Váhom


Light rain

Summer cinema in the courtyard of the Dubnický manor house

09. 07. 2021

21:30 - 00:00

Date nad time

Friday 09. July 2021
21:30 - 00:00


Dubnický kaštieľ
Centrum I. 1
018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom

Letné kino na nádvorí Dubnického kaštieľa
Letné kino na nádvorí Dubnického kaštieľa

Summer cinema in the courtyard of the Dubnický manor house

The summer cinema in the courtyard of the manor house in Dubnice nad Váhom offers an unforgettable experience.

Summer cinema under the night sky in the courtyard of the Dubnický manor house. Comedy, drama, horror, romantic ... FREE admission! This Friday, July 9, 2021, the eternal classic Forrest Gump appears on the screen. "Life is like a box of chocolates ..." come taste this piece of film, if you've seen it, it's never enough, if you haven't seen it, you have something to look forward to!

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Address Centrum I. 1
018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom


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