The zoo is one of the most popular tourist attractions and visitor points for large and small not only in the Trenčín region. Only with effort would we be looking for a person who has not yet visited the Bojnice National Zoo, which is full of several championships. Pavel Procner, a spokesman for the Bojnice National Zoo, tells us about its history, present, upcoming events and attractions.
1. At the beginning, tell us about the history of this place
The Bojnice National Zoo opened its gates for the first time on April 1, 1955. It is the first zoo in Slovakia. In its first year of existence, it was visited by 45,000 visitors. In 1956 it was already 110,000 visitors, in 1957 this number climbed to 141,886 visitors. Traffic increased from year to year. The highest number of visitors dates back to 1986. At that time, 520,729 visitors found their way to the Bojnice National Zoo. As for the highest monthly attendance, it was reached in July 1977, when 185,887 passed through the gates of the garden. It received the attribute "Národná" on July 1, 2017.
2. How do you think ZOO Bojnice is most different from other zoos, why should people visit you?
The Bojnice National Zoo is surrounded by a historical environment. It is located in the immediate vicinity of one of the most beautiful castles in Europe and in the recreational environment of the spa town of Bojnice. The fairytale environment is a very popular place for visitors of all ages. Its current area is 41 hectares, of which more than half is the exhibition part. The Bojnice National Zoo is the only state zoo in the Slovak Republic, founded by the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic.
As part of its activities, it exhibits live exhibits, breeds endangered species of animals, has an educational and educational impact on the public in the field of environment and biodiversity protection, and manages the national detention center for confiscated and seized animals. Experts actively cooperate with CITES bodies or the State Nature Protection Agency. We provide permanent care for handicapped animals, as part of the operation of a rehabilitation station for injured rare animals from nature and, last but not least, it provides visitors with relaxation and rest.
Bojnice National Zoo presents a unique collection of animals from around the world in more than 360 species with a total of more than 2,700 specimens. It is the largest collection of all Slovak zoos. Approximately 280 species from this collection exhibit as the only zoo in Slovakia, e.g. African elephants or bongo antelopes.
3. What news did you bring to visitors this year and what are you still planning this year?
As for current news in our zoo, we can currently boast new additions to the deer antelope, Cameroon goats and Oats sheep. In connection with the technical support, we managed to install new educational and information panels and a photo wall in front of the enclosure of Aslan - the Berber Lion, where visitors to the zoo can take a photo. We are also actively involved in rescue programs. The "LIFE Lynx" and "LIFE Luch" projects are very successful. They involve creating a new part of the lynx population on the German-French border and saving the lynx population in the Dinaric Mountains or in the south-eastern Alps.
The National Zoo is also known for its ornithological activities. This is the care of orphaned or injured birds. Precisely due to various handicaps, they are no longer able to survive in the wild and most of them are in danger of death. The Bojnice National Zoo receives dozens of animals a year, which it then cares for and, if possible, prepares them for returning to their natural environment.
The first week of May was a sign of freedom in our zoo. We released a rehabilitated trio of storks in the sky, which we managed to save. Last year, they were taken over in poor condition by the Bojnice National Zoo, which accepted them into a rehabilitation station. There they earned the original names: "Snoty, Solim and Rufaro." These were very serious injuries, such as a triple wing fracture or dangerous parasites.
4. Does the zoo have any unusual species of animals? Which one?
The heart of our visitors is Dik Dik Kirkov, whom our visitors can see at this time in the Bojnice Zoo. It is a small and very nice species of antelope. Meerkats are also sought after. The Bojnice National Zoo is the only one in Slovakia with African elephants. "Maja and Gula" females are the biggest attraction for many of our visitors. At present, both are getting used to the environment in the newly created African fauna. The new elephant pavilion has not yet been opened to visitors and is awaiting approval. We believe that the "elephant girl" will soon appear to the public.
5. How did you survive the months marked COVID-19? Nevertheless, although the gates were closed to the public, the animals had to eat ...
As everywhere, in our zoo, the funds obtained from the entrance fee are a very important indicator. Every euro that we collect from our visitors is extremely important, especially from the point of view of a comfortable animal life. Therefore, the National Zoo in Bojnice was also greatly negatively affected by this unflattering situation. Only when we look at the factual data that our zoo was visited by 278,219 visitors in the past calendar year, it is clear that more than two months of closure was palpable for its operation.
Our animals are used to the movement of people around them and it is certain that the period of closure was something unusual for them. From day to day there was silence in the premises of the Bojnice Zoo and this fact was something new for the animals. They must have registered this change. However, life at the zoo had to continue in the standard way and their lifestyle or everyday habits had to remain intact. Immediately after reopening, they climbed out of their quarters and were curious about what was happening around them.
6. Tell us about the Zoo, which you are preparing for September this year. What can visitors look forward to?
Every year, the Bojnice National Zoo prepares various educational programs, especially for children and young people of school age. Learning to love animals and nature, learning more about the Bojnice Zoo is the goal of rings in the Bojnice National Zoo. During regular meetings at the zoo, children learn interesting things about animals, they even get where the visitor normally cannot. They get to know our animals and meet breeders who will tell them something more. We expand their knowledge in a playful way. At present, however, these programs take place in the form of online teaching and, of course, as soon as the measures are relaxed, we will follow up on teaching and education in the form of personal meetings, lectures, lectures and, of course, tours of the zoo itself.
In addition to the standard tour, our zoo has also launched several projects in which the public can participate. The adoption of animals is very popular, the point of which is that the applicant can choose any animal living in the zoo and give it a financial amount. Details of this adoption are published on the website of the Bojnice National Zoo. Another interesting project is "Sweatshirts and T-shirts that make sense." Here, visitors can buy T-shirts and sweatshirts with graphics of African elephants, and with this project we participate in rescue programs for wildlife, in this case African elephants. .
Our visitors can also read more on the web. Last but not least, I would like to point out the possibility of purchasing various gift vouchers, whether they are classic entrances to the zoo or season tickets, but those interested can also choose very attractive programs from us, such as "Entrance to the background," or "One day by the nurses. ”Here, the names themselves say what these programs are about, and as in the previously mentioned cases, you can find out more detailed information on the Bojnice Zoo website.
7. Many are convinced that working in a zoo must be perhaps the most beautiful. Do you feel that way too? Is it a so-called "dream job"?
Working at the zoo is also a mission. Our breeders, nurses or zoologists have to invest much more in it than in any other job. They are in daily contact with the animals and have a very strong emotional bond with them. The environment in which we work is really fabulous and that is why we go to work with joy. We can certainly talk about the work of dreams, because what others pay for, we experience every single day.
8. Surely you are full of many interesting and funny stories, will you share with us the one that resonated the most in you?
Of course, as in any job, we often laugh in ours and experience humorous situations. It is unbelievable and choosing the best one would probably be very difficult. Therefore, I would rather point out situations where we are all looking forward to a job well done. The last example is a report from the Netherlands, where Amierfoort, a five-year-old male of the Berber lion Ramzes, traveled to the DierenPark zoo last year. It was the first Berber lion born in the Bojnice National Zoo.
After several months of his stay in his new home, we received the good news that Ramzes had become a proud father and that he and his companion Sabi had fathered two lionesses, named Zuna and Sifra. Its transport proved to be successful and our efforts fell on fertile ground. As this is an extinct breed of lion, this event is certainly a joy not only for us, but also for all animal lovers.
9. What would you like to say to potential visitors and your fans?
We really appreciate the help of every single visitor. We also consider the entrance itself, which supports the operation of the zoo, to be help. We are extremely pleased that the general public is also involved in the above-mentioned projects, which contribute to the quality of life of our animals. We are looking forward to every single visitor who passes through our gates and we believe that everyone with us will leave with unforgettable experiences.
In Trenčín, 11.5.2021
Text: MT
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