A new street will be built in Klíčova, Nemšová district. Soon the lively construction activity will start here and dozens of inhabitants will find the family treasure in the form of a new house here. But archaeologists have also found treasure here. They literally experienced an archaeological harvest during a classical archaeological survey before construction began. After a length of about 800 meters, they found a number of archaeological fragments.
The entire area of the future construction site was directly sown with them. "And we don't have just one kind of find here. In the southern part we found quite medieval objects. We are currently standing on the layers of the Bronze Age, there are two settlements from this period. And the last time we captured a settlement from the Late Stone Age two meters from the current terrain. It looks like Baden culture, so we are talking about a period about 5,000 years ago, "says Juraj Malec, an archaeologist and head of research from the Trenčín Museum, one discovery after another.
Archaeologists are quietly "kicking" here, while the locals know nothing. Although journalists come here all the time, they have to keep the beaver silent for a few more weeks. The site discovered by archaeologists is extremely rare. And if speculators found out about it, they could destroy or steal it. That's why everyone had to promise to remain silent about this unprecedented discovery until the work of archaeologists is over. Believe me, this is an incredible temptation for a journalist. Your tongue and fingers on the keyboard itch you, because something unusual, interesting and perhaps even spectacular is happening before your eyes. And you have to pretend nothing. Today, when you read these lines, the archaeological research directly in Nemšová is over, the artifacts are at a place where they will be further explored. Construction machines can start building houses. Excavators dig into the clay like any other. At the same time, excavators have recently been shifting cultural heritage from one pile to another. And imagine the enthusiasm that archaeologists experienced. "I was surprised by the size of the find. This place has been luxurious for generations of people, as evidenced by the layers of the find. We have a lot of bronze finds, I will mention the dagger, fragments of jewelry, now we are about halfway through digging and we have already found ten needles, there are magazines. One goes to robots and enjoys what's new. Bronzes are not obvious in every research. It's a joy, " says Juraj Malec despite the dry winter weather.
Our ancestors literally left us a treasure here. Although rare, it is only for historians who put it in historical context. If the treasure fell into the wrong hands, it might be monetized, but experts cannot imagine the value of a piece of shard for a layman. "But the historical and scientific value is immense. We can look for analogies, we can document imports, for example from the Mediterranean. And we're talking about prehistoric times, "the head of research explains to us, and we gradually descend with him to a beautifully dug pit. Through the eyes of a layman, we notice different colors of clay. However, Juraj Malec shows us that pale clay is a rim and dark clay should be imagined as a former reservoir. Our ancestors used it as a refrigerator. They stored food supplies in the country. In another "pit", the archaeologist shows us a mound. "We assume that we will also find a grave chamber here, which could have been made of wood. And when she had defiled, she fell and was overwhelmed with dirt. The burnt layer of the earth indicates this. "
The mound could have a diameter of up to 25 meters, and such mounds built more important members of the staff, fighters or ruling classes. "We will know a more accurate interpretation if we find the remains and possible alms," concludes Juraj Malec. The site was guarded all the time by police officers and detectors from the Hradiská civic association. They also helped archaeologists in the search for bronze fragments.
photo: Trenčín Museum in Trenčín
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