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the rain

The binoculars returned to the roof

Lovers of astronomy will come to theirs in Trenčín. Around the observer on the streets of the local gymnasium, for years, enthusiasts of the universe, physicists and science-related scientists met.

Experts and laymen. And the beauty of the stars was even enjoyed by parents with children during the summer nights. However, the binoculars, which made the heart observable, collapsed over time, and in the last six years the astro-ring meeting was carried only in the theoretical plane. Gymnastics and astromilists helped Alexandre Dubcek in Trenčín. They just looked at the telescope up close and picked it up. On the roof of the Lyudovita Štúra Grammar School in Trenčín, he returned from April again in his repaired form and with him a curious life.

"Our university is currently dominating the field of material research, which we now want to link to what the astronomical observer will allow and offer. We will work to come up with news and to make the wider public see that studying natural and technical sciences is worthwhile, " said University Rector Jozef Habanik. Students of high school and college students can also be added to the public this time. Every Wednesday evening, people from the university will be accompanied by space secrets. During their summer, you can even meet them on a variety of festivals with a portable telescope.

Author: ku

Photo: TSK

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