KOCR Trenčín systematically develops activities aimed at increasing the number of visitors and the number of overnight stays in the region. On the upcoming winter season, she has prepared an attractive online campaign aimed at encouraging people to spend holidays in the Trenčín region. Thanks to the spa triple, the Trencian region is profiled as a peaceful and relaxing destination. In contrast to the hectic and stressful Christmas preparations, the Trencin region is an ideal place to spend peaceful holidays. The campaign invites you to the slow, very funny holidays in the Trencin region. "The offer of peaceful holidays can be found at the special website www.najpomalsiesviatky.sk. The campaign's motto is to drop pre-Christmas stress and enjoy the peace and relaxation in the spas, for instance on the unfinished ski slopes or to learn the life of the kings and princesses in the central castles, " KOCR Executive Director Eva Fryvaldska said.
Kúpeľné mesto Trenčianske Teplice sa pýši novou, jedinečnou atrakciou. Môžete tam…
. Mesto Trenčianske Teplice leží severovýchodne od Trenčína na úpätí Strážovských…