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Thousands of colored blocks in Trenčín Castle

The castle barracks of the Trenčín Castle filled the unique models of world-famous buildings, fairy tale characters or entire cities. Unique is the 3 x 2.5 m Trenčín Castle model, built from the LEGO kit.

Thousands of building blocks, which are known to everyone, have combined the individual authors of the building into perfect harmony. Trenčianske múzeum v Trenčíne in the founding area of ​​Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj prepared the exhibition "The Colorful World in the Cock" , which allows you to return to children's times and admire the extraordinary building world. When entering the castle barracks visitors take a model of the Trenčín Castle, the construction of which took about 5 months. A block of blocks of nearly 8 square meters is gradually being added.

The Color Cockpit exhibition will last until January 29, 2017 and visitors can see the exhibits during the opening hours of the Trenčín Castle from 9.00 to 15.30 in the premises of the castle barracks . The individual models are composed of thousands of pieces of the kit. Their construction and installation was done by members of the Slovak LEGO fan club TatraLUG . Means of transport, space boats, moving trains on a line flying a miniature city, and even small soldier figures who carve a famous Roman inscription on the castle rock in the Laugaricio camp model. This is just a fraction of the exhibited builders.

"Part of the exhibition is also the historical development of the lega, namely from the thirties of the twentieth century, when the kit was not yet made of plastic small cubes but made of wood. Two children's play boxes in the children's playroom and the kit box competition were prepared" , the head of the department Marketing by Peter Pastier .

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