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From Malé Bielice, the universe is within reach

Already in the 17th century, members of the Jesuit revolution were watching or over Trenčín. The night sky fascinates people today and, if you want to look at the universe really close, go to the Partizánske Observatory. You will find it 1 346 kilometers from Greenwich, a zero meridian, and 4 590 kilometers from the North Pole - in the Malé Bielice district.

The Observatory in Partizánsky has been working for 29 years. Schools also show the beauty of the universe and bring them information from astronomy and cosmonauts. "In the case of clear weather, we can approach our sun, solar photosphere and the chromosphere every Wednesday, Friday and the first Saturday of the month to our visitors. In the evening, they can see the surface of the Moon, Planets and other interesting objects of the starry sky of the season, "said Vladimir Mester, the director of the observatory.

The main astronomical device is a 15-centimeter lens telescope - the Coude refractor. A unique didactic device is also the astronomical simulator of the starry sky, a portable digital planetarium. "Thanks to it, we can visualize the starry sky, constellations and other objects, for example, directly at school or in cultural facilities," he added. Photographers have a mirror telescope available in the observatory, through which they can also scan distant star objects.

The Observatory organizes several thematic and age-centered events during the year. For primary and secondary school pupils, lectures and presentations complement the curriculum of natural sciences, geography and physics. The Multimedia Program for Monthly Completion is again for more demanding visitors. This is a virtual world video projection, including fantastic beings, various images, voices and sounds.

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Address Malé Bielice 177
958 04 Partizánske


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