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Added 400 km of new cyclotourism

Cyclists and tourists will navigate this year with more than 400 km of renewed cyclotourism. In addition, the small cycling infrastructure will be expanded by 5 information maps, cycling trackers and cycling trackers.

Tourists will get better in 6 districts

The reconstruction of tourist marked trails and the implementation of small tourist infrastructure in 6 districts of the Trenčín region is planned for this year until the end of November. Tourists will navigate the re-branding at less than 240 km . Small tourist infrastructure will also be added in the form of guides and spreadsheets.

For tourists, there are also 5 tourist sightseeing information maps . They bring you information about the marked routes around. Two of them will be located in the Bánovce nad Bebravou district, the other three in the Prievidza district. In addition to the painted tourist signs and new tourist guides, tourists can also enjoy the detailed GPS focus of the restored hiking trails. TSK has again invested nearly 20,000 euros in the renovation of this tourist sign . There are currently 1 855 km of marked tourist marked trails on the territory of the Trenčín County.

On a bike with new markings on the upper Nitra and on the bikes

The Slovak Cycloclub will, by the end of September, take care of the renewal of the painted "C" in the total length of almost 177 km . For example, the Bojnický cyclookruh from the village of Diviaky nad Nitricou to the village Lehota pod Vtáčnikom (58 km long) or the Kopaničiarska cyklomagistrála (45 km long) can be visited . "Cyclists will also be delighted this year with a new marked section from the village of Kálnica to the Bohuš well, 8.6 km long," TSK cyclone coordinator Radovan Hladký said. On biking trails, small and large bicycle and bicycle trackers will be installed for better orientation .

The new and renewed biking trails in TSK together with the elements of cycling routes will cost from the budget almost 20 thousand. "Every year, hundreds of kilometers of hiking and cycling routes are renewed on the territory of the region, offering the inhabitants of the region the opportunity to actively spend their free time while meeting our region. The renewal and marking of signs or the creation of new routes takes place on the basis of the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj and the Slovak Tourist Club and the TSK and the Slovak Cycloclub, "said Trenčiansky župan Jaroslav Baška.

The reconstruction of the tourist and cycling routes is being carried out by the Trenčín County on the basis of the Strategy of Utilizing the Potential of Trenčín Self-Governing Region for Cycling Infrastructure Development.

Source: BJ, Odd. Communication and international relations of TSK, www.tsk.sk

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