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Trenčiansky Castle is waiting for revolutionary changes

Trenčiansky Castle will go through revolutionary changes over the next two years. The new route will be an access road thanks to the reconstruction of an existing road through the Brezina Forest Park. Archaeological research and reconstruction of the access road will be realized by Trenčín.

Building another access will create a new separate entrance to the castle with its own treasury in the South Fortifications premises, which is also waiting for a complete reconstruction. "A larger area of ​​Trenčín Castle will be available to tourists, so they will also have access to those parts of the castle that have not been available to the public until now. The two treasuries will be useful especially during the events of a more significant nature, when the waiting time is shortened, "explained Martina Lamačková from the Regional Development Department.

Trenčianska župa invests in reconstruction more than 1.8 mil. the EU will use its own resources in addition to its own resources. The Region has become a successful applicant for an irrecoverable financial contribution from the Operational Program INTERREG VA SK-CZ to a project called TreBuChet - Trencin, Bučovice, to protect European traditions. "As the project name suggests, the partners are the Trenčín County, the Bučovice town of Moravia and the regional city of Trenčín," added Martina Lamačková.

Before the new entrance to the castle becomes a reality, Brezina forest park is waiting for archaeological research. The planned start of construction works at the castle is estimated at the beginning of March and April. The construction of the castle is likely to exceed a period of one year. Adjustments are also waiting for the South Fortifications premises, there will be information boards, relaxation areas, benches. Between Brezina and the new entrance to the castle will also be created a thematic educational walkway and relaxation zones.

The reconstruction is waiting for the administrative building, among Trenčany known as Skleník. For its reconstruction, the region has earmarked a budget of 480,000 euros. "At the same time, there will be a temporary visitor center where tourists will find information about sightseeing, castle events, museum exposures, and a souvenir shop," added Martin Trenčík, Director of the Trenčín Museum.

photo by Tomas Hudek

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