The very name of the village suggests that in the past lived important aristocratic families. Today, it is known to the public mainly thanks to the power plant, which burns brown coal. Despite strong industry, Zemianske Kostoľany managed to preserve a large part of its historical wealth. There are several mansions, manors and churches, which offer an interesting cross-section of various architectural styles. You can find several of them literally a few meters apart.
According to Mayor Jana Školíková, the greatest attention of the public is attracted by the Renaissance manor house, which underwent its renovation about 15 years ago. "We have a museum set up in it and it is of great value to us. However, we would also like to focus on other cultural monuments that we own. These include another Renaissance mansion in the schoolyard, as well as a residential tower. We have already prepared the documents for the renovation of these buildings, we are currently dealing with finances. "
Zemianske Kostoľany owes a large part of its historical monuments to the Kostolániov family, and its members have not forgotten this village even today. "We have welcomed the last of the Kostoláni family to us several times. This gentleman is currently 94 years old, lives in France and is a highly respected expert. His grandparents lived in Karolka's mansion, where he used to visit them as a little boy. These are fond memories for him, so he was very unhappy with what some of the historic buildings looked like. When we completed the renovation of our Renaissance manor house years ago, he was very pleased, "recalls Školíková.
Monuments not only in this village could be known to the public in the future thanks to the new tourist circuit. The plan was submitted as part of the Upper Nitra transformation project. "Our goal is to obtain funds for the restoration of individual monuments and to create a route between them with educational boards or cycling infrastructure. I can imagine that people who would come to this valley would be able to spend a few days here - Bystričany has a thermal spa, Kamenec has a birdhouse, climbing walls and there are many other attractions. If we could connect them, we would be able to start tourism here together, "concludes Školíková.
photo: FB Village of Zemianske Kostolany
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