Trenčianske Teplice boasts a new sports attraction, which will delight especially lovers of demanding sports such as mountaineering. At the popular tourist place Skalka in Trenčianske Teplice, where the famous Hríb viewpoint is located, a climbing area has been created that will please many climbers.
This climbing area was created thanks to the cooperation of the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region, the Regional Tourism Organization (OOCR) Trenčianske Teplice, the City of Trenčianske Teplice and two climbing enthusiasts Mária Mutal and Marek Humaj. It was ceremoniously put into operation on September 11, 2021 on the occasion of the celebrations of the centenary of sports in Trenčianske Teplice.
"The climbing facility was financed from the funds of KOCR Trenčín region and the Regional Tourism Organization OOCR Trenčianske Teplice," said Michaela Fedorová, Executive Director of OOCR Trenčianske Teplice.
The implementation of the whole project was taken care of by a pair of climbers who, in addition to cleaning the rock from aerial plants, also took care of the creation of seven climbing routes. These are designed to provide different levels of difficulty. According to their character, the individual routes also received interesting names from the contractors - Špára, Reverse, Healing Procedure, Jump, Traverse, Lázeňský šviHÁK and Kobra.
"The most difficult route is the Cobra, which includes two overhangs and one of them resembles a cobra's head in its shape. When we were preparing Lázeňský šviHÁK, we found a hook stuck in the rock, it probably served when mining the rock, "Mário Mutala explained the origin of some names.
"I am very pleased that KOCR Trenčín region was able to support a project that will bring Trenčianske Teplice to the attention of visitors other than the spa town. KOCR Trenčín Juraj Gerlici Region.
Climbing on Skalka is only possible under the supervision of an experienced climber or instructor. It is a sport that can be dangerous for an inexperienced climber. Climbing is performed at your own risk.
Source: City of Trenčianske Teplice
Photo: Peter Čačko, impulse press
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