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Vote for the TOP GASTRO facility in the Trenčín Region

The Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region has decided to organize the third year of a successful and popular competition for the best restaurant, cafe, bistro, bar or tea house in the Trenčín region called TOP GASTRO 2019. The winner will be decided by the general public. November until December 6, 2019 to nominate their favorite gastronomic establishments, which it considers the best for the year 2019. People can vote for the nominated establishments in the period from December 10, 2019 until the end of the year, ie until December 31, 2019.

A competition that can motivate

The KOCR Trenčín region likes to encourage the will and desire of gastronomic establishments, individuals, entrepreneurs and other entities to constantly improve or move forward.

"The TOP GASTRO competition has become popular not only among the voting population, but also from the point of view of operators and owners of individual companies. Last year, a total of 45 subjects were nominated, of which the Fatima restaurant in Trenčín scored with 977 votes, and Remy´s bistro & Pub repeatedly.   also based in Trenčín with 588 votes and Rich Burgers from Nové Mesto nad Váhom with 290 votes became a novelty. We are sincerely looking forward to this year's results, " said Juraj Gerlici , Chairman of KOCR Trenčín Region.

An attractive win for both nominees and voters

All those who nominated at or voted for one facility will be involved in the draw for a stay for 2 people for 1 night in the Treehouse Apartments in Trenčianske Teplice with a discounted entrance to the Zelená žaba spa. From all the contestants, just one lucky person will be selected, who will be contacted directly after the evaluation.

You can vote HERE .

  In Trenčín on November 22, 2019


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