Although the HoryZonty Adventure Film Festival will not fully start its 16th year until Thursday, November 11, some of the festival's accompanying events will take place before its official opening. "We have a colorful start to November ahead of us. We have planned three events related to the festival on Tuesday, November 2, "the organizers reveal.
HoryZonty will support the Trenčín 2026 project in its candidacy for the ECOC
On Tuesday, November 2, HoryZonty will be involved in the process of handing over the Candidacy of the City of Trenčín to the European Capital of Culture 2026. In cooperation with the Trenčín 2026 team, the civic association DIVO took over candidacy of the city. HoryZonty will be represented by a member of the festival staff, climber Jaroslav Dutka, who will prepare for the candidacy from Trenčín Castle and submit it to members of the Trenčín 2026 initiative. They will submit the application to the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic. The inhabitants of the city can support the project on the social networks of the Trenčín 2026 project.
In the Café on the Road with an athletics coach and handicapped rowers
The festival's calendar for Tuesday also marks another event in the Arts and Sports section of the lives of the disabled, aimed at breaking down society's prejudices against people with health, physical or mental disabilities. After the Prelezme handicap workshop, which took place on October 21 at the Trenčín Climbing Center, the section's program will be moved to the Café on the Road in Kat's House. The guests of the program will be Milan Sulety, athletics coach from Trenčín and chairman of the OZ covering Kaviareň and Baliareň Na ceste, which are also protected workshops of DSS clients Adamovské Kochanovce. The program will also include a presentation of handicapped athletes from the Sĺňava Piešťany Rowing Club. Presentation and discussion with guests will take place at 18:00, admission to this event will be free.
Ticket pre-sale is starting
After the two events, which are scheduled for Tuesday, November 2, this date will also be the day when the pre-sale of festival tickets will start. Tickets for the festival can be purchased at the KIC on Mierovo náměstí in Trenčín until Wednesday, November 10, and from Thursday, November 11, visitors will be able to buy tickets directly at the Crew Club box office. Due to the fact that some measures have changed in connection with the currently valid Covid Automat, the organizers partially abandoned the OTP regime, in which they originally planned to implement the entire festival. In the end, they decided to combine the Completely Vaccinated mode in the theater hall with the OTP mode in the Universal Crew Club Hall. The pre-sale of tickets for individual blocks will also be carried out in this spirit. All-season season tickets will not be available in connection with the measures for this year. A change is also the cancellation of Thursday's presentation by Róbert Gálfy, which will be replaced by a story by Tomáš Petrík, a chatter from Chata pri Zelenom plese.
HoryZonty 2021 will take place in two dates - in the classic form in the Crew Club on November 11 - 13 and in the online form, which will take place on November 19 - 21, 2021 via the internet service The festival is realized in cooperation with and with the support of the City of Trenčín, the Trenčín Self-Governing Region, the Audiovisual Fund and the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.
Source: Erika Imrichová, HoryZonty,
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