Although the summer season of 2020 tested the health and patience of all of us, we believe that you were not cut short by the holiday experience. You have exchanged exotic holidays for interesting, sightseeing, sports and relaxation stays, which have brought new, fresh air into your life and which will resonate in you for a very long time to come. What special experience have you experienced? How did you spend your free time? What places have you visited in these months in the Trenčín Region? Send us photos of your magical and unconventional summer in the region and win!
Whether you have become passionate tourists, adventurers or humorously and creatively created and experienced your moments in the region, we want to see it! It doesn't matter if the photo captures a professional depiction of monuments and nature, a family picnic with laughing faces and tongues out, funny creations created from "pure boredom" or if you send photos capturing the emotional moments of your summer. Every category and quality of photography is welcome and has a chance to win. It will not be decided by an expert commission, but also by you and the general public.
The conditions for participating in the competition are simple. All you have to do is send any number and motif of photographs capturing the moments of the summer of 2020 in the Trenčín Region to from Tuesday 15.9.2020 to Wednesday 30.9.2020. On Thursday, October 1, 2020, all photos will be published in a joint photo album on the Facebook fanpage of the Trenčín region website, where the general public will be able to vote for the 3 most beautiful photos for two weeks, until October 15, 2020. The three lucky ones with the highest number of votes will receive a valuable package from the regional tourism organization Trenčín region. We keep our fingers crossed for all participants!
In Trenčín, 14.9.2020
Text: MT
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