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The inhabitants of the region in Trenčianske Teplice again have a discount

Spa Trenčianske Teplice, in cooperation with the City of Trenčianske Teplice and other municipalities in the Trenčian region, has launched for the fifth time the "Spa in the Region" project, which has proved its worth in the past years. The inhabitants of more than fifty towns and municipalities in Trencin self-governing region will be able to benefit from a 50% discount for entry into all the thermal pools (Sina, swimming pool Crimea and swimming pools Čapka PI, P II and P III MUDr.) And 30% discount for entry into the Grand swimming pool Grand , Located directly in the center of the spa square.

"I believe that even the upcoming year for other years of successfully established" Spa in the Region "event will find a positive feedback from the inhabitants of the region of Trenčín and contribute to their" healthy spa relaxation "as much as possible, possibly mitigating another record of the event's attendance , Of course, we do not prevent , " says Michal Vojtaš , General Manager of Spa Trenčianske Teplice.

According to the initiator of the idea of ​​the Spa in the region and the Mayor of Trenčianske Teplice Štefan Škultéty , this event is a tradition and is extremely attractive for the participating municipalities, as evidenced by the record number of cities and municipalities involved. As the Mayor further says, "It's an action that envies our other regions for their scale. In addition to discounts in swimming pools, during this almost three-month event, visitors to Trenčianske Teplice will be able to apply the news of this year's Buying in the Region - a 10% discount in selected local restaurants and cafes. In addition to the health of citizens, the project directly supports small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the city. "

The following towns and villages are currently involved in the project: Bánovce nad Bebravou, Beluša, Bobot, Bolešov, Borčice, Bzince pod Javorinou, Čachtice, Častkovce, Dolná Poruba, Dolná Súča, Drietoma, Dubnica nad Váhom, Dulov, Horná Súča, Hrabovka, Ilava, Kostolec, Kostolná - Záriečie, Košeca, Krasna Ves, Krasno, Krivosud - Bodovka, Ladce, Lednické Rovne, Malinova, Miezgovce, Mnimov Lehota, Motešice, Nemšová, Nová Dubnica, Omšenie, Považská Bystrica, Pruské, Púchov, Sedmerovec , Selec, Skalka nad Vahom, Slatina nad Bebravou, Soblahov, Stupna, Svinna, Timoradza, Trencianske Teplice, Trencianska Turna, Trencinske Jastrabie, Trencianske Mitice, Trencinske Stankovce, Trencianske Teplice, Trencin, Tuchyna, Uhrovec, Velke Bierovce, Zamarovce and Záskalie.

"Spa in the region" was visited by 10,457 visitors in the past season, with a year-on-year increase. The event Spa in the region will take place on 01.12.2016 - 23.12.2016 and 02.01. - 28.02.2017 .

For more information, please visit:


Source: Spa Trenčianske Teplice

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