The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Czechoslovak Republic can be reminded by the selection of the most important building that adorns the territory of Slovakia or the Czech Republic. Among the nominated, the unique functionalistic building in Trenčianske Teplice, the Zelená žaba swimming pool or the work of Dušan Jurkovič, the Mohyla MR Štefánik.
On the occasion of an important milestone of the common history of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the building chambers and federations of both countries announced the Czech and Slovak construction of the century . A total of 66 buildings from the Czech Republic (Czech Republic) and 34 buildings from the Slovak Republic (SR) are nominated in the competition. The aim of the initiative is to promote the unforgettable architectural gems that have grown over the past hundred years in the territory of Czechoslovakia and later in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The main attribute for the selection of buildings in the final list was their importance and benefit from 1918 to the present.
The output of the project should be a book publication or a traveling exhibition across the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which will present the nominated works to the public. The poll is launched from June 20, 2018 and can be voted on until September 15, 2018 at .
Representatives from Trenčiansky kraj
Nomination of the survey did not include buildings from the Trenčín region. He has found a significant jewel from the second half of the 30's, the Zelená žaba swimming pool in Trenčianske Teplice. The architectural monument is part of the well-known architect Bohuslav Fuchs and is among the top ten structures of the Slovak inter-architecture architecture. After a long 15 years, during which the object dilapidated, the swimming pool was reopened in 2015. The charming surrounding nature and the pleasant environment of the swimming pool still attract a lot of visitors.
An inherent part of the rich collection of architectural monuments in the Trenčín Region is Mohyla gen. Milan Rastislav Štefánik , which is a long way from tourists or cyclists. The mound is not only a place of rest of the legendary general, pilot, politician, diplomat or spectator, MR Štefánik, but also a significant part of the sketch of the most famous buildings on the territory of Slovakia.
. Mesto Trenčianske Teplice leží severovýchodne od Trenčína na úpätí Strážovských…
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