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The Oriental Missions of Peace to the Bojnice Chateau

The Oriental Salon of the Bojnice Chateau is the result of the diverse collection activity of Count Pálfi, which was also oriented to the Middle East. It is from this area that origami - the old Japanese art of folding paper.

The best-known origami model is the traditional Japanese jigsaw puzzle. This bird in Japan symbolizes hope. In addition, he was attributed to a variety of features such as: health, happiness, eternal youth, happy marriage, loyalty, or wisdom.

According to the old legend, anyone who folds a thousand paper cranes will fulfill their wishes. Based on the legend and through the Sadako Sasaki girl, this paper bird became a symbol of peace. Sadako, despite being exposed to radiation during the collapse of the atomic bomb at Hiroshima, survived. The consequences of radiation occurred in her 10 years later when her physicians diagnosed leukemia. The little girl decided to put together a thousand paper cranes to meet their desire to live. Despite all the effort and the layout of thousands of cranes, it did not win over its disease. However, it became a symbol of effort and unbreakable hope, inspired by her classmates who, on the basis of the collection, set up a memorial to the children's victims of the attack on Hiroshima.

Ms. Ogurčáková from Salzburg, Slovakia, living in Austria, whose heart belongs to the country, also became a similar peacemaker. Together with her loved ones, she put together a thousand cranes with a wish to make the world better and happier. Not only did several generations join this activity, but also several countries. As he and Palofi reunited with the idea of ​​leaving a message for future generations, the museum of paper cranes located in the Oriental Salon. It symbolizes the interconnection of cultures and nations with the hope that thanks to the message of the peace bird - the crane - the world will become better and more beautiful.

Multicolored cranes will be able to see museum visitors during the christmas tours of the castle.

Source: SNM - Bojnice Museum

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