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National festival on Devin

On Saturday, April 22, 2017, we reminded Devin of significant events from our history: Cyril and St. Cyril The method on the territory of Slovakia and the memorial output of the students to this historical dominance. The current year also reminded Anton Bernolák's stay at the local fare and the anniversary of the death of St. Method. On the occasion of the anniversary of these important historical events, the National Festival celebrated the sixth time in the castle's premises, the purpose of which is to keep this memory in the consciousness of the Slovak nation.

At the beginning of the event, the participants of the National Festival in Devín expressed their respect for the pious act of laying wreaths and flowers in the memorial plaque of Ľudovít Štúr and the students, commemorating their first excursion to Devin, which took place on April 24, 1836. Subsequently, the guests moved to the foundations of the Great Moravian church in the castle grounds for a festive ecumenical ritual with the representation of most of the churches operating in Slovakia. Later, the program moved to the lower castle premises on the main stage, where the national anthem of the Slovak republic was abstracted, and the representatives of the Matice Slovak and honorary guests of the event spoke to the visitors.

The main idea of ​​the event was expressed by the manager of the Slovak Mother in his introductory speech. "It is important to remember our ancestors, who now speak in their mother tongue, the Slovak language, because 182 years ago the pupils started the process of the formation of the Slovak nation. Today, young people do not realize the importance of having our own state. Therefore, the Slovak Mother, with such cultural and social events and returns to folklore traditions, wants the youth to remind our ancestors and their deeds, " said Maroš Smolec , manager of the Slovak Mother.

In the framework of the National Festival in Devín, the second edition of the Folklore Festival Matice slovenskej took place, where folklore ensembles representing all regions of Slovakia were gradually introduced. The exception was not the Trenčín Region, which represented FS Limbor from Prečín with a demonstration of fašiang customs and traditions in the Trenčín region. Through the presentation stand of the regional tourism organization Trenčín region the visitors of the event could learn not only folklore in the Trenčín Region, but also its rich culture, natural beauty and tourist attractions. Various information materials, cycling maps and interesting prizes were prepared for those interested in participating in a short quiz.

"Ľudovít Štúr is our most prominent native. That's why we like to participate in every event that connects with this great personality of the Slovak nation and where we can proudly remind people that they come from the Trenčín region, " said Juraj Gerlici , chairman of KOCR Trenčín region.

Every year, the House of Matice slovenskej in Bratislava organizes the event, which, in cooperation with state, regional, city, general and church institutions, prepares this exceptional event. "I really enjoy being able to organize an event where there was a great quality of performing folk ensembles, and where three different churches met in the ritual and spiritual program of the past, and together they performed worship at the place where Constantine and Metod held such worship thousands of years ago. So even the idea of ​​ideas was really fulfilled, " said Jozef Bača , director of the House of the Slovak Matrix in Bratislava.

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