Považská Bystrica



Children's fairy tale festival

04. 09. 2022

13:00 - 19:00

The long-standing tradition of the Považskobystrica fairytale forest event continues! The most famous children's performers are looking forward to you, who are guaranteed to cheer up young and old and put a smile on your face. Miro Jaroš and his band, Dúhalka and Sníček, but also Tárajko and Popletajka will perform. There will be an eRko program, balloon creations, face painting, inflatable and fun attractions, mascots, creative workshops and much more. In case of bad weather after the public announcement, the event will be moved to the municipal sports hall at the SNP estate in Považská Bystrica.

Date nad time

Sunday 04. September 2022
13:00 - 19:00


Areál 6. ZŠ, SNP
017 07 Považská Bystrica

Detský rozprávkový festival


Address Areál 6. ZŠ, SNP
017 07 Považská Bystrica


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