"Do not try to overcome others but yourself!" The third year of the Trenčianský polmaratón was in this slogan. The race run on Sunday, September 11, 2016, was also attended by the Trenčín Self-governing Region (TSK) consisting of representatives of the TSK and the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region.
The center and the outskirts of Trencin were overcrowded this weekend with runners of different age categories. On September 9 - 11, 2016 , under the baton of Martin Vlnka , the third year of the Trenčianský polmaratón was held in order, which started its history in 2014 in the year. In 2016, classical half-marathon, rehearsal, and childhood came along with other disciplines such as Beh o Matúšov Groš. This race was held on Friday, September 9, 2016, and was given to primary and secondary school children. About 80 children were battling about Matusov Gros. On Saturday, a full-sports weekend, Inline Polmaratone continued in an industrial park in Trencin with the participation of about seventy racers. The Sunday program was enriched by a family run with a casual running track.
The Trenčiansky polmaratón itself was the culmination of all sports disciplines. Routes of 21 kilometers could run individually or run in the team in a relay way. Sun-rich sunshine brought many sebazapreni and personal victories. Fast legs and fitness showed about 300 runners in different age categories. Evidence that age is not an obstacle was also the admirable performance of the oldest 75-year-old racer. The fastest time of 1 h 20 minutes in the relay race was presented by the team "Alternates" in a four-member composition. The best time for half-marathon among individuals (1 h 19 min) was achieved by Miroslav Ilavský from Jogging Club Dubnica.
The racing run was also attended by the staff of the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj and the KOCR Trenčín region. By joint efforts they managed to fill the eighteen of the 31 participating teams. "We are very excited to be able to participate in this sporting event and we are delighted that Trenčín has also become one of the cities with an important tradition of cross-country skiing," said Eva Frývaldská , executive director of the regional tourism organization Trenčín. In order of the third year of Trenčiansky polmaratón, the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj supported his subsidy system. The financial statement was handed over to the main organizer Martin Vlnk on behalf of TSK Jaroslav Baška, the executive director of the KOCR Trenčín Region.
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