Footprint of Roman Legions
Roman inscription from 179 to Kr. carved into the castle palace below Brezina in Trenčín represents one of the few Roman written references north of the Danube. It is the most important Roman epigraphic monument in central Europe north of the Danube preserved in situ. The inscription mentions the village of Laugaricio, which is probably a settlement in today's Trencin or its immediate surroundings. The inscription on the castle rock on the monument of victory over the Germanic Kada in translation means: "The victory of the emperors and troops that resided in Laugarica, in the number of 855 soldiers II. The Légie was made by MV Maximianus, Legate II. An auxiliary leg. "
The exact wording of the inscription:
L (egionis) II DCCCLV
(Marcus Valerrius)
MAXIMIANVS LEG (atus) LEG (ionis) II AD (iutricis) CVR (AVIT) F (aciendum)
In the spring of 180 after the death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the Commodus with the Germans laid peace, and the Roman sections withdrew from the barbarian. The Roman inscription in the center of Trenčín can be seen only from the restaurant or from the terrace of Hotel Elizabeth (formerly Tatra Hotel).
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